Law 741. Law & Education Online - Summer Term 2019

Course Description

This online course focuses on legal issues in K-12 public education. Topics will include student and teacher free speech rights both in school and on social media, the constitutionality of student dress codes, prayer in the schools, religious exemptions from mandatory immunizations, searches of student lockers and other personal belongings, due process limits on student discipline, integration of the public schools, and constitutional issues concerning school funding and access to education. The casebook for the course is prepared by the instructor and will be available at no cost as a PDF. There are no prerequisites for this course. (Limited to 16 students) This course will be taught online. (Take-Home Final Exam)

Our first class is on Tuesday night May 21th starting at 6 p.m. To try out the software, I will be online in our classroom on Thursday, May 16th at 6 p.m., the Thursday before our first class. I hope as many of you as can will join me at that time so we can test out our access to the classroom, our microphones, some of the pods I will be using, and other aspects of the software. Steve Narmontas, the Director of Educational Technology and Training at the University will join us in this pre-semester session to troubleshoot issues that arise. I hope by holding this session, our class on Tuesday will be able to focus on the first reading assignment rather than issues with the technology.


The syllabus contains a list of assignments for the semester, grading information, attendance policies, and other information about the course.

Questions Before Class

In addition to the reading, there are a series of questions in connection with each assignment that you should attempt to answer prior to class to help you prepare for class discussion. You do not need to write out your answers. These questions are listed by assignment number. They will be posted several classes in advance on the Questions Before Class page.

Classroom Material:

All material shared during the online classes will be available to students throughout the semester on the classroom material page.

Exam Preparation Materials

Below are two exam questions from my past Constitutional Law exams, an equal protection question and a question with both due process and equal protection issues. Each question is followed by a detailed grading sheet with allocations of specific points to various parts of the legal arguments that are available on behalf of the parties. While these questions are not from past Law and Education exams, since every student in the class has taken Constitutional Law, I think the posted material will be helpful in understanding my grading process. 

Equal Protection Review Question

Equal Protection Review Question Grading Sheet

Equal Protection/Due Process Review Question

Equal Protection/Due Process Review Question Grading Sheet

Below is a link to a document that details methods for improving your exam performance. It is a general description rather than geared toward any specific subject area.

Improving Your Exam Performance

Below are a sample exam question, a model answer, and a grading sheet from my First Amendment Rights course materials. This question does not involve student speech in a public school setting and therefore it does not utilize the forms of First Amendment analysis included in the Law and Education course. However, since we have studied some aspects of the First Amendment Free Speech Clause, I thought it might be useful material.

Bad Frog Question

Bad Frog Model Answer

Bad Frog Grading Sheet

Optional Reading Material:

In addition to the assigned reading, I have prepared a list of links to material related to each chapter of the required reading as well as some additional categories of links. This list of optional class material will be updated frequently.

E-Mail Addresses

I am in the process of obtaining email addresses for student in the class and I will be sending an email with information about me and about the course as well as a link to a "getting to know you" questionnaire I would like students to fill out in advance of class. If you do not receive email at your law school email address, please contact me to provide me with your preferred address. My email address is and there is an email link in the side bar of this page as well as at the bottom of the page. Please contact me with any questions about the course and any difficulties you have accessing course materials.

Adobe Connect

The online classes for this course will use Adobe Connect software. For information about Adobe Connect, you should consult the informational TWEN page for summer online classes. It includes instructions to help you use Adobe Connect, a video to help as well, and contact information for technology support.